Monday, September 14, 2009

My Name..The Human Puzzle Piece

The Human Puzzle Piece

My names a strange, unique name. No real meaning behind it. Emptiness. There wasn’t a spicy flavor to it. I’ve always hated my mom, for calling me a tongue twisting name. People could never pronounce it; it was like a baby trying to say its first words. I have always wondered why they never could. Its only 2 syllables, with 8 letters. How hard is that? But I guess, I don’t really blame them. Everyone’s different. And I guess, that’s what makes me an individual. My name. My life has always been about making my name a personality, since it didn’t have one of its own. I knew that it wasn’t going to come like magic. I was responsible for doing it myself.

For instance, every time my mom hears my name, in a car, it always reminds her of my signature quote of “ SELT BELTS.” This leads to how paranoid I am about the safety of my friends and family. Also showing that my name is like a lion, protecting her cubs. And like a baby cub, I love to fiddle with objects non-stop. My mom calls my hands, “the itchy ones.” Always tickling.

From time to time, I never know who I am. I’m always two different kinds of personalities around certain people. Which makes me unsure of who I am. Am I a shy girl? Or am I a hyper girl? This shows that my name is like a flickering light. Sometimes I’m dim and that’s the shy part of me. And sometimes I’m the bright and that’s the hyper part of me. And these personality’s, really leaps out from my name.

Besides, my name isn’t all too imperfect. Sometimes I really love my name. And there are some positive qualities. Its fun to know that I might be the only person in the whole world that might, have my 2 syllable, 8 letter name. It’s just like a thumb print. No one will ever have the same one. Also having a name like mine, means that sometimes, people make up fun silly nick names. Like….. Shazam, Shazzeh, Shazzy, Shazinator, Sharaws, the list could go on forever. This makes my name entertaining. As well, it’s nice to hear my name seems appealing to some people. It allure’s a smile to my face.

So although my name is hard to pronounce and I may be the only person who has it, and I may be two personalities, I know that, that makes up me. It puts all the pieces together. like one big puzzle. Which all shows my name, and how I fit it. And I know that can never change. So that’s me. Shazreen.


By: Vicki McClure Davidson

Why I selected the picture: I chose the picture, because it reminds me a lot of myself. It shows how I don’t mind to be different, and that’s the yellow smiley smiling brightly. It also displays that my name is a bit out there, and the blue smiley reminds me of space, and the yellow smiley is out there, floating wondering where to go. The picture shows my personality. In my story, I said that I was sometimes HYPER and sometimes shy. And the blue smiley shows the shyness, and the yellow smiley shows me HYPER and smiling widely.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Common Elements in Creation Myths

Common Elements In Creation Myths

Myths are made for the imagination to breathe life into them.” Albert Camus

Themes like a cosmic egg, nothingness and natural phenomena, can be found in many different creation myths from all around the world. This is very unusual because, these countries are very far apart, and yet they ended up with the same common themes. Also these myths might have been told in different time periods and maybe these people have never ever met each other, because they could not have travelled. A common element found in many creation myths, is that something from some creature was born from a cosmic egg. For example in the Chinese myth, there was a creature named Phan Ku. He hatched from an egg, and created everything on earth. Also in the Tahitian myth, everything started from just that creature that was born from an egg. Nothing could have happened if that creature was never born. So as you can see these myths are very much in common with each other, although they are from different places in the world. In the beginning, some cultures believed that everything started from nothingness or chaos. In the Maori myth, it all started with nothing, then gods started developing over time, like it started with one god than another one would appear from that. Another example would be the Japanese myth, explaining how in the beginning all the elements were mixed together with a germ of life. Although possibly these myths were told in very different times, they all share the same idea with one another. Many of the creation myths explain how natural phenomena were formed. For example, in the African myth, a god vomited all the landscapes on earth, like the moon and the animals. Another example would be a Hebrew creation myth called “In the beginning.”, explaining how a god announced a command and that order would appeared. The phenomena he requested were usually landscapes that would create the world. This is strange because, these two myths were not on the same continents, and yet, their stories shared the same idea of the physical landscapes, making the world we live in today. These people back then probably could not have travelled the world, and so they might not have seen what other countries might have look like.

“What if myths were true” Lui Kang.

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Why I chose the picture: I chose the picture because it shows the beginning of life. And myths were all about creating an image for people, so they can at least, think about how the world came to be. The picture shows the common elements, and also the picture combines all of the elements together into one. It shows the cosmic egg, hatching out, creating the landscapes, from nothingness.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Why did I chose this quote? And why did I chose this Picture?

Life’s full of different journeys. There are many, that we may face during our time. At the same time, we are always thinking about the end. Always making predictions of what it may be like as we get closer to our accomplishments. And I thought that this quote showed how, people who take on journeys always think about the end, as they embark on their different adventures. I assume that if you have something to strive for, and you know that there’s something special waiting at the end, you know that you must keep on going to really find out what is actually there. Once you definitely reach the end, it brings such joy, because you know that you’ve either changed from the person you used to be, or it might been something simple like finishing a task someone has asked you to do. I picked that picture to represent my quote because, imagine your hiking in the rainforest for, tons of hours, and you know that you might collapse anytime soon, but you also know that at the top their might be something special, either its feeling proud, or just relived to finally be able to rest your sore legs, and so during that time your hiking, your thinking about the end. Constantly. So in that picture it shows a path clearing out, finally ending its road of wonder.