Friday, May 29, 2009

7th grade. Here I come.

Hey, 7th grade teachers.

I had tons of fun, during 6th grade, but I know I will have even more fun in 7th grade. CANT WAIT! Through out the year, there are many pieces of work that I enjoyed doing. But one of my favorite pieces of work, is my science test. This was my favorite piece of work, because I'm not very good at science, and when I took the test, and got it back, it really showed my improved, and my understanding. My greastest challenge during 6th grade was math. Math was my greatest challenge because, I'm not very good at math. I find that subject very difficult. But, as the year went on, I always tried my hardest to understand what was going on. And if I didn't understand something, I would ask one of my classmates, or if they didn't understand then I would ask the teacher. As the year goes on, I am constantly realizing what kind of learner, I am. And during this year, I learn't that I like the being showed what to do. Like for my homework. It really showes what I have to do. For my behavior, I think that I am a good role model towards other people. I think this, is because I get my work done, and I always try to do my best. I would even stay up, to finish all my work, and to make sure its finished. I sometimes participate in class. So I'm sorry 7th grade teachers if I am a bit quite in class. But I promise I will try to talk more. :) I find myself organize, because I like to make sure everything is set in place. I like to make sure(sometimes) that my work looks neat and pretty. I like to do everything above and beyond. I like to make sure, that my work is at its best. In 7th grade I plan, get better grades. This will be a hard goal to achive but, with great affort, I might be able to accomplish, this goal. Another goal I plan to achive in 7th grade is, to be more attive in class. For me this goal might be pretty hard, since some of my personality has to do with shyness, but maybe over the summer I will get over that. I think I have mentioned everything you need to know about me. 

Anyways.. I can't wait to start 7th grade next year.


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